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个人简介 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2022年博士毕业于南京航空航天大学电力电子与电力传动专业,获工学博士学位;2023年6月至今,任kok体育-kok体育平台-kok体育官网 教师。 目前主持江苏省基础研究计划自然科学基金青年基金项目、多项校级科研项目以及企业合作项目,并作为主要成员参与国家自然科学基金项目 以及航空科学基金项目等。 近年来已发表学术论文10余篇,其中被SCI收录6篇,并获得工信部创新创业奖学金一等奖、校专项奖学金等荣誉,担任本专业国内外多个学术 期刊的审稿人。 教育经历 南京航空航天大学,kok体育 ,电力电子与电力传动,博士。 工作经历 2023/06-至今,南京航空航天大学,kok体育 ,讲师。 学术成果 [1] Yajun Zhao, Wenxin Huang, Feifei Bu. Virtual Vector-Based Direct Power Control of a Three-Phase Coupled Inductor-Based Bipolar-Output Active Rectifier for More Electric Aircraft. Energies, 2023, 16(7): 3038. [2] Yajun Zhao, Wenxin Huang, Feifei Bu. Direct Power Control of a Bipolar Output Active Rectifier for More Electric Aircraft Based on an Optimized Sector Division. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 2023, 14(4): 89. [3] Yajun Zhao, Wenxin Huang, Feifei Bu. DC Voltage Balancing Strategy of a Bipolar-Output Active Rectifier for More Electric Aircraft Based on Zero Vector Redistribution. IEEE ACCESS, 2021, 9: 139657-139667. [4] Yajun Zhao, Wenxin Huang, Feifei Bu. Smart Power Flow Node Aimed at Hybrid ac/dc Power System for More Electric Aircraft. ELECTRONICS LETTERS, 2021, 57(8): 334-336. [5] 赵亚俊, 黄文新, 王力, 卜飞飞, 庄圣伦. 分布式电网用有源滤波型并网逆变器. 电气传动, 2013,(09): 26-31. [6] Shanfeng Zhu, Wenxin Huang, Yajun Zhao, Xiaogang Lin, Wen Jiang, Yong Zhao, Xu Wu. Robust Speed Control of Electrical Drives with Reduced Ripple Using Adaptive Switching High-order Extended State Observer. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 37(2): 2009-2020. [7] Xu Wu, Wenxin Huang, Yajun Zhao, Can Huang. An Efficient Model Predictive Torque Control for Induction Motors with Flexible Duty Ratio Optimization. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2022, 10(4): 4014-4025. [8] Wen Jiang, Wenxin Huang, Xiaogang Lin, Yong Zhao, Xu Wu, Yajun Zhao, Dingfeng Dong, Xuefeng Jiang. A Novel Stator Wound Field Flux Switching Machine with the Combination of Overlapping Armature Winding and Asymmetric Stator Poles. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 69(3): 2737-2748. [9] Siqi Wang, Wenxin Huang, Yajun Zhao. An Extended-State-Observer-Compensated Extended-Kalman-Filter Sensorless Control for Asynchronous Generators. 2020 23rd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Hamamatsu, Japan, 2020, pp. 1178-1183. 承担项目 主持江苏省基础研究计划自然科学基金青年基金项目、校科研启动项目以及多项企业合作项目,参与研究国家自然科学基金以及航空科学基金等项目。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||