2020 NUAA-CITY Workshop on Autonomous Systems and Control PROGRAMME
College of Automation Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nov. 4-5, 2020
南京航空航天大学kok体育 ,2020年11月4-5日
College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
International Cooperation Office of NUAA
Key Laboratory of Navigation, Guidance and Health-Management Technologies of Advanced
Aircraft,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Autonomous control technology of aircraft, Engineering Research Center of ministry of Education
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Internet of Things and Control Technologies
Jiangsu Association of Automation, Navigation, Control and Health Management Committee
IEEE Nanjing section, Control Systems Chapter
Organizing Committee
Chair:Bin Jiang
Vice chairs:Ju Jiang, Zhuo Zhang, Jianye Liu, Mou Chen, Xiaofeng Song, Jizhou Lai, Zhi Xiong, Ningyun Lu
Executive chairs:Min Shen, Shaojie Zhang, Chaoying Tang, Yan Kong
Members:LiFeng Tian, Qinghua Zeng, Ruiyun Qi, Yongqiang Ye, Yali Xue, Xiaoming Chen, Zhen He, Pin lv, Quan Ouyang, Shuang Shi, ZiQuan Yu, Xiuhui Peng、Hamed Badihi
Volunteers:Chenyu Huang, Shuo Li
成员:田立丰、曾庆化、齐瑞云、叶永强、薛雅丽、陈晓明、何真、吕品、欧阳权、史爽、余自权、彭秀辉、Hamed Badihi
Day 1: Nov. 4, Wednesday | Online VooV Meeting Room (No. 39188142605) 线上腾讯会议号(No. 39188142605) Room 403, Building 1, College of Automation Engineering kok体育 1号楼403会议室 | ||
CN: 14:50-15:00 UK: 6:50-7:00 | Registration & preparation 加入和准备期 | Online | |
CN: 15:00-15:10 UK: 7:00-7:10 | Opening ceremony 开幕式 Greeting speech by Prof. Bin Jiang, Vice-president of NUAA 南京航空航天大学,姜斌副校长致欢迎词 | Chaired by Prof. Ju Jiang 江驹主持 | |
CN: 15:10-15:20 UK: 7:10-7:20 | Greeting speech by Dr Christopher McDowell, Assist Vice President International of CITY 英国伦敦城市大学,Christopher McDowell致欢迎词 | ||
CN: 15:20-15:55 UK: 7:20-7:55 | Invited talk 1: Research on Vision Based Autonomous System Prof. Nabil Aouf, City University of London. 英国伦敦城市大学,Nabil Aouf 教授 | Chaired by Prof. Jizhou Lai 赖际舟主持 | |
CN: 15:55-16:30 UK: 7:55-8:30 | Invited talk 2: Vision Based Pose Estimation for Non-Cooperative Space Rendezvous: an Imaging Based Approach Prof. Duarte Rondao, City University of London. 英国伦敦城市大学,Duarte Rondao 教授 | Chaired by Prof. Hamed Badihi Hamed Badihi主持 | |
CN: 16:30-17:05 UK: 8:30-9:05 | Invited talk 3: Use of Machine Learning to Enhance Space-based Geolocation of Uncooperative Emitters Prof. David Stupples, City University of London. 英国伦敦城市大学,David Stupples 教授 | Chaired by Prof. Hamed Badihi Hamed Badihi主持 | |
CN: 17:05-17:40 UK: 9:05-9:40 | Invited talk 4: Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Control for Hypersonic Flight Vehicles Prof. Ruiyun Qi, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 南京航空航天大学,齐瑞云教授 | Chaired by Prof. Shaojie Zhang 张绍杰主持 | |
CN: 17:40-18:40 UK: 9:40-10:40 | NUAA-CITY Annual Meeting 南京航空航天大学-伦敦城市大学合作研讨 | Chaired by Director. Min Shen 沈敏主持 |
Day 2: Nov. 5, Thursday | Online VooV Meeting Room (No. 39188142605) 线上腾讯会议号(No. 39188142605) Room 405, Building 1, College of Automation Engineering kok体育 1号楼405会议室 | ||
CN: 15:00-15:35 UK: 7:00-7:35 | Invited talk 1: Uncertainty-and-Disturbance-Estimator-Based Current Control Scheme for PMSM Drives with a Simple Parameter Tuning Algorithm Prof. Yongqiang Ye, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 南京航空航天大学,叶永强教授 | Chaired by Prof. Qinghua Zeng 曾庆化主持 | |
CN: 15:35-16:10 UK: 7:35-8:10 | Invited talk 2: Network stabilisation via cooperative control Prof.George Halikias, City University of London. 英国伦敦城市大学,George Halikias 教授 | ||
CN: 16:10-16:45 UK: 8:10-8:45 | Invited talk 3: Model Predictive Control of Perching Maneuvers for Fixed-Wing Aircraft Prof. Zhen He, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 南京航空航天大学,何真教授 | Chaired by Prof. Yali Xue 薛雅丽主持 | |
CN: 16:45-17:20 UK: 8:45-9:20 | Invited talk 4: Rotorcraft Nonlinear Modelling for Vibrations Control and Trajectory Tracking Dr.Maria Tomas-Rodriguez, City University of London. 英国伦敦城市大学,Maria Tomas-Rodriguez博士 | ||
CN: 17:20-17:55 UK: 9:20-9:55 | Invited talk 5: Navigation System Design for Unmanned System in GPS-denied Environment Prof. Pin Lv, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 南京航空航天大学,吕品教授 | Chaired by Prof. Xiaoming Chen 陈晓明主持 | |
CN: 17:55-18:30 UK: 9:55-10:30 | Invited talk 6: Communication and Control for Swarms of Autonomous Drones Dr.Veselin Rakocevic, City University of London. 英国伦敦城市大学,Veselin Rakocevic 博士 |