International Workshop on Autonomous Guidance, Navigation and Control of Unmanned System PROGRAMME
College of Automation Engineering,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Sep. 15-16, 2020
kok体育-kok体育平台-kok体育官网 2020年9月15-16日
College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
International Cooperation Office of NUAA
Association for Science and Technology of NUAA
IEEE Nanjing section, Control Systems Chapter
Engineering Research Center, Ministry of Education
Jiangsu Association of Automation, Navigation, Control and Health Management Committee
Nanjing Society of Inertial Technology
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Internet of Things and Control Technologies
Key Laboratory of Navigation, Guidance and Health-Management Technologies of Advanced Aerocraft (NUAA),Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Autonomous control technology of aircraft, Engineering Research Center of ministry of Education
Satellite Communication and Navigation Collaborative Innovation Center
Co-Innovation Center for Safety of Critical Civil Infrastructure
Organizing Committee
Chair:Bin Jiang
Vice chairs:Ju Jiang, Jianye Liu, Mou Chen, Zhi Xiong, Jizhou Lai, Ningyun Lu
Executive chairs:Qinghua Zeng, Shaojie Zhang
Members:Rui Xu, Rong Wang, Jun Shen, Hamed Badihi, Ling Zhang,
Xiangrui Tian, Zhimin Li, Miao Zhang, Pin Lv
Volunteers:Yao Zhao, Jun Xiong, Jinheng Shi
成员:许睿、王融、沈俊、Hamed Badihi、张玲、田祥瑞、李志敏、张苗、吕品
Day 1: Sep. 15, Tuesday | kok体育 1-403会议室(中国南京):Online VooV Meeting Room (No. 238 860 641),线上腾讯会议号(No. 238 860 641) | |
CN: 14:40-15:00 UTC: 6:40-7:00 | Opening ceremony:Greeting speech by Prof. Bin Jiang, Vice-president of NUAA 开幕式:姜斌副校长祝欢迎词 | Chaired by Prof. Ju Jiang 江驹主持 |
CN: 15:00-15:35 UTC: 7:00-7:35 UK: 8:00-8:35 | Interaction Between Feedback and Artificial Intelligence in Unmanned Systems Invited talk by Prof. Wenhua Chen, Loughborough University, UK 英国拉夫堡大学,陈文华教授 | Chaired by Prof. Hamed Badihi Hamed Badihi主持 |
CN: 15:35-16:10 UTC: 7:35-8:10 ES: 9:35-10:10 | Technology about Unmanned Systems Invited talk by Prof. Pascual Campoy, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain 马德里理工大学,Pascual Campoy教授 | Chaired by Prof. Zhi Xiong 熊智主持 |
CN: 16:10-16:45 UTC: 8:10-8:45 | A Solution for GNSS in Urban Canyon:3DMA GNSS and Its Development and Future Prospects Invited talk by Prof. Li-Ta Hsu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, HongKong 香港理工大学,许立达教授 | Chaired by Prof. Qinghua Zeng 曾庆化主持 |
CN: 16:45-17:20 UTC: 8:45-9:20 | High Integrity GNSS Correction Services for Autonomous Vehicles Invited talk by Prof. Shao Jun Feng, Qianxun Spatial Intelligence Inc. 千寻位置网络有限公司,冯绍军教授 | |
CN: 17:20-17:55 UTC: 9:20-9:55 UK: 10:20-10:55 | Connected and Autonomous Vehicles: A Total Solution Approach for Positioning, Navigation and Timing Invited talk by Prof. Washington Ochieng, Imperial College London, UK 帝国理工学院,Washington Ochieng教授 | Chaired by Prof. Jizhou Lai 赖际舟主持 |
Day 2: Sep. 16, Wednesday | kok体育 1-403会议室(中国南京):Online VooV Meeting Room (No. 238 860 641),线上腾讯会议号(No. 238 860 641) | |
CN: 14:30-15:05 UTC: 6:30-7:05 AU: 16:30-17:05 | Review of GNSS Reflectometry for sea ice detection Invited talk by Dr. Joon Wayn CHEONG, UNSW (University of New South Wales), Australia 新南威尔士大学,Joon Wayn CHEONG博士 | Chaired by Prof. Rong Wang 王融主持 |
CN: 15:05-15:35 UTC: 7:05-7:35 | GNSS Spoofing and a Mitigation Method Based on Signal Estimation Invited talk by Prof. Rui Xu, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China 南京航空航天大学,许睿教授 | |
CN: 15:35-16:10 UTC: 7:35-8:10 | Condition Monitoring and Health Management in the Next Generation of Smart Digitalized Energy Systems Invited talk by Dr. Hamed Badihi, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China 南京航空航天大学,Hamed Badihi博士 | Chaired by Prof. Xiangrui Tian 田祥瑞主持 |
CN: 16:10-16:45 UTC: 8:10-8:45 | Analysis and Synthesis of Positive Systems Invited talk by Prof. Jun Shen, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China 南京航空航天大学,沈俊教授 | |
CN: 16:45-17:20 UTC: 8:45-9:20 UK: 9:45-10:20 | Distance measures in Control Systems Design Invited talk by Dr. Olga Limantseva, City University London, UK 伦敦城市大学,Olga Limantseva博士 | Chaired by Prof. Shaojie Zhang 张绍杰主持 |
CN: 17:20-17:55 UTC: 9:20-9:55 UK: 10:20-10:55 | Visual navigation and optimal control for autonomous drone racing Invited talk by Dr. Shuo Li, The University of Edinburgh, UK 爱丁堡大学,Shuo Li博士 |