

作者: 审核人: 访问量:14520发布时间:2020-09-08
职称:教授导师类别:博士生导师办公室:kok体育 1号楼214房间


电话:025-84892305-801Email:[email protected]


近年来主持国家重大专项1项、国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、航空科学基金1项,参与国家重大专项2项、国家自然科学基金重大项目及重点项目各1项;获中国航空学会科学技术奖三等奖1项、江苏省科学技术奖一等奖1项、出版专著5部、发表学术论文100余篇( SCI收录50)、申请发明专利50项,授权30项。





[1] 陈复扬,姜斌.《自动控制原理》. 北京: 高等教育出版社, 2022.08

[2] 陈复扬,姜斌.《自适应控制》. 北京: 科学出版社, 2015.11

[3] 陈复扬.《自动控制原理习题详解与考研辅导》. 北京: 国防工业出版社, 2014.01

[4] 陈复扬,姜斌.《自动控制原理》(2). 北京: 国防工业出版社, 2013.08

[5] 陈复扬,姜斌,陆宁云.《自动控制原理》(中文版). 北京: 国防工业出版社, 2010.08

[6] 陈复扬,姜斌.《自适应控制与应用》. 北京: 国防工业出版社, 2009.06


★ 近年出版专著

[1] 陈复扬,姜斌.《动态系统的故障估计与先进控制》. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2022. 02

[2] 陈复扬,姜太平. 《智慧城市道路交叉口的信号控制》. 北京:电子工业出版社, 2019.11

[3] 陈复扬,王瑾.《飞行控制系统自愈合控制》. 北京: 电子工业出版社, 2017.11

[4] 陈复扬,姜斌.《飞机直接自修复控制》. 北京: 国防工业出版社, 2014.01


★ 近10年发表SCI期刊论文

[1] Xiao Han, Fuyang Chen, Junrong Ban. A Fuzzy Multimodal Fusion Network for Emotion Recognition in Ensemble Conducting. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2024, 1-12.

[2] Yi He, Xiaoying Gao, Fuyang Chen, Shize Qin. Missing-Signal Tolerant Condition Monitoring via Multiscale Features and Domain Adaptation. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2024, Vol.73, 1-14.

[3] Sudao He, Fuyang Chen, Hongtian Chen. A Latent Representation Generalizing Network for Domain Generalization in Cross-Scenario Monitoring. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2023, 1-15

[4] Sudao He, Fuyang Chen, Ning Xu. High-speed Train Localization Algorithm via Cooperative Multi-classifier Network using Distributed Heterogeneous Signals. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2023, Vol.360, No.12, 8096-8117

[5] Xiao Han, Fuyang Chen, et al. An evaluation of AI-based college music teaching using AHP and MOORA. Soft Computing, 2023, 1-11.

[6] Xiao Han, Fuyang Chen, Rui Tian, et al. Quantum Adaptive Approach To Chord Consonance Modeling. Proceedings of The Romanian Academy Series A-mathematics Physics Technical Scien, 2023, 1-15.

[7] Xiao Han, Fuyang Chen, Junrong Ban. Music Emotion Recognition Based on a Neural Network with an Inception-GRU Residual Structur. Electronics, 2023, Vol.12, No.4, 978.

[8] Xia Song, Lihua Shen, Fuyang Chen. Adaptive backstepping position tracking control of quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle system. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, Vol.8, No.7, 16191-16207.

[9] Fuyang Chen, Sudao He, Yiwei Li, Hongtian Chen. Data-Driven Monitoring for Distributed Sensor Networks: An End-to-End Strategy Based on Collaborative Learning. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022, vol.22, No.22, 21795-21805.

[10]Sudao He, Fuyang Chen, Ning Xu. Online Monitoring for Non-Stationary Operation via a Collaborative Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, Vol.71, 1-12.

[11] Fuyang Chen, Fan Jin, Zili Wang. Improved fault detection and control allocation for hypersonic re-entry vehicle subject to intermittent fault and disturbance. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2021, Vol.31, No.18, 9782-9802.

[12] Salman Ijaz, Fuyang Chen, Hamayun Mirza Tariq. Adaptive integral-sliding-mode control strategy for maneuvering control of F16 aircraft subject to aerodynamic uncertainty. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021, Vol. 402:126053.

[13] Sudao He, Fuyang Chen, Bin Jiang. Physical intrusion monitoring via local-global network and deep isolation forest based on heterogeneous signals. Neurocomputing, 2021, Vol. 441, 25-35.

[14] Salman Ijaz, Fuyang Chen, Hamayun Mirza Tariq. A new actuator fault-tolerant control for Lipschitz nonlinear system using adaptive sliding mode control strategy. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2021, Vol. 31, No. 6, 2305-2333.

[15] Kaiyu Hu, Fuyang Chen, Zian Cheng. Fuzzy adaptive hybrid compensation for compound faults of hypersonic flight vehicle. International Journal of Control Automation and System, 2021, Vol. 19, No. 6, 2269-2283.

[16] Salman Ijaz, Fuyang Chen, Hamayun Mirza Tariq. Adaptive non-linear integral sliding mode fault-tolerant control allocation scheme for octorotor UAV system. IET Control Theory and Applications, 2020, Vol. 14, No. 19, 3139-3156.

[17] Zian Cheng, Fuyang Chen, Jingxiu Gong. Self-repairing control of air-breathing hypersonic vehicle with actuator fault and backlash. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, Vol. 97.

[18] Zian Cheng, Fuyang Chen, Kaiyu Hu. Guaranteeing prescribed performance fast tracking control of air-breathing hypersonic vehicles. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2020, Vol. 234, No. 20, 3967-3981.

[19] Salman Ijaz , Fuyang Chen , Mirza Tariq Hamayun , Lin Yan, Cun Shi. An adaptive integral sliding mode FTC scheme for dissimilar redundant actuation system of civil aircraft. International Journal of Systems Science, 2019, Vol. 50, No.14, 2687-2702.

[20] Fuyang Chen, Jingxiu Gong and Yuqing Li. Adaptive diagnosis and compensation for hypersonic flight vehicle with multisensor faults. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2019, Vol. 29, No. 17, 6145-6163.

[21] Fuyang Chen, Gengqian Jiang. Sensor Cascading Fault Estimation and Control for Hypersonic Flight Vehicles based on a Multidimensional Generalised Observer. International Journal of Robust & Nonlinear Control, 2019, Vol. 29, No. 10, 3027-3041.

[22] Juan Niu, Fuyang Chen. Nonlinear fuzzy fault-tolerant control of hypersonic flight vehicle with parametric uncertainty and actuator fault. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, Vol. 92, No. 3, 1299-1315.

[23] Fuyang Chen, Longze Hu. Improved adaptive fault-tolerant control design for hypersonic vehicle based on interval type-2 T-S model. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2018, Vol. 28, No. 3, 1097-1115.

[24] Fuyang Chen, Ling Cai, Bin Jiang. Direct self-repairing control for a helicopter via quantum multi-model and disturbance observer. International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, Vol.47, No.3, 533-543.

[25] Fuyang Chen, Kangkang Zhang, Bin Jiang. Adaptive sliding mode observer based robust fault reconfiguration for a helicopter with actuator fault. Asian Journal of Control, 2016, Vol.18, No.4, 1558-1565.

[26] Fuyang Chen, Rongqiang Jiang, Kangkang Zhang, Bin Jiang . Robust Backstepping Sliding Mode Control and Observer-based Fault Estimation for a Quadrotor UAV. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2016, Vol.63, No.8, 5044-5056.

[27] Fuyang Chen, Wen Lei, Kangkang Zhang and Bin Jiang. A Novel Nonlinear Resilient Control for a Quadrotor UAV via Backstepping Control and Nonlinear Disturbance Observer. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, Vol.85, 1281-1295.

[28] Fuyang Chen, Zheng Wang, Bin Jiang. Robust adaptive fault-tolerant control for hypersonic flight vehicles with multiple faults. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2015, Vol.28, No.4, 04014111.

[29] Fuyang Chen, Zheng Wang, Bin Jiang. An improved nonlinear model for a helicopter and its self-repairing control with multiple faults via quantum information technique. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 2015, Vol.13, No.3, 557-566.

[30] Fuyang Chen, Qingbo Wu, Bin Jiang . A reconfiguration scheme for quadrotor helicopter via simple adaptive control and quantum logic. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2015, Vol.62, No.7, 4328-4335.

[31] Fuyang Chen, Kangkang Zhang, Zheng Wang Bin Jiang. Trajectory tracking of a quadrotor with unknown parameters and its fault-tolerant control via sliding mode fault observer. Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2015, Vol.229, No.4, 279-292.

[32] Fuyang Chen, Li Wang, Bin Jiang. An Arterial Traffic Signal Control System Based on a Novel Intersections Model and Improved Hill Climbing Algorithm. Cognitive Computation, 2015, Vol.7, No.4, 464-476.

[33] Fuyang Chen, Rongqiang Jiang. Self-repairing control of a helicopter with input time delay via adaptive global sliding mode control and quantum logic. Information Sciences, 2015, 316, 123-131.

[34] Fuyang Chen, Bin Jiang. An intelligent self-repairing control for nonlinear MIMO systems via adaptive sliding mode control technology. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2014, Vol.351, No.1, 399-411.

[35] Fuyang Chen, Feifei Lu, Bin Jiang. Adaptive compensation control of the quadrotor helicopter using quantum information technology and disturbance observer. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2014, Vol.351, No.1, 442-455.


★ 近5年授权专利:

[1] 一种基于异构分布式光纤传感器的在线外部入侵监测方法, 202010816520.5,排名第2. 

[2] 基于自适应遗传算法的二型模糊单交叉口控制方法、装置及存储介质, 202011524751.5,排名第2.

[3] 一种基于自适应技术的高超声速飞行器间歇故障诊断方法, 201911198515.6,排名第1. [4] 高超声速再入过驱动系统并发执行器故障诊断方法, 201911198518.X,排名第1.

[5] 一种高超声速飞行器传感器复合故障自愈合控制方法, 2019113153667,排名第1.

[6] 一种近空间飞行器非高斯发动机的自修复控制方法, 201810971238.7,排名第2.

[7] 一种电流传感器复合故障诊断方法,202010856198.9, 排名第1.

[8] 一种基于光纤振动信号的在线列车识别及速度估计方法, 201811248302.5,排名第2.

[9] 一种基于小波分析和SVM的逆变器故障诊断方法, 201510367945.1,排名第1.

[10] 一种近空间飞行器非高斯发动机的自修复控制方法, 201810971238.7,排名第2.

[11] 一种高铁牵引整流器的复合故障估计与容错控制方法, 201610577069.X,排名第3.

[12] 一种基于小波分析和SVM的逆变器故障诊断方法, 201510367945.1,排名第1.

[13] 一种逆变器钳位二极管与支撑电容的复合故障诊断方法,201610807703.4, 排名第1.

[14] 一种针对部分车道车流突变的交叉口自愈合控制方法, 201610664684.4, 排名第1.

[15] 基于反步和滑模控制的非线性鲁棒控制器的设计方法,201610048851.2, 排名第2.

[16] 一种高铁牵引电机复合故障模拟方法,201610691990.7,排名第1.

[17] 基于量子门和自适应控制的类弹簧车辆跟驰模型建立方法, 201610009804.7, 排名第1.

[18] 一种针对状态时滞的四旋翼直升机容错控制装置及方法, 201510460967.2, 排名第1.

[19] 城市交叉口模型参考自适应信号的控制方法,201410307972.5, 排名第1.

[20] 一种针对线性参数变化飞行器的自修复控制方法, 201410854516.2, 排名第1.

[21]一种含参数不确定性的四旋翼姿态自适应容错控制方法, 201410202218.5, 排名第1.


★ 近10年承担纵向科研项目

[1] 系统可信度测试技术研究, 国家重大专项, 2021.10-2024.12, 主持 

[2] 系统快速启动方法研究, 国家重大专项, 2021.10-2024.12, 参加

[3] 多模式切换技术研究, 国家重大专项, 2021.12-2023.12, 参加 

[4] 多重动态突变不确定系统的自适应容错控制及多旋翼飞行器控制应用, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2022.01-2025.12, 参加

[5] 突发事件下城市道路交叉口群的建模与量子自适应控制, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2015.01-2018.12, 主持

[6] 基于量子自适应控制的飞行控制系统自愈合控制方法研究, 中航一集团航空科学基金, 2014.10-2016.09, 主持

[7] 基于量子控制理论的复杂工程系统直接自修复控制, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2011.01-2013.12, 主持

[8] 结构不确定非线性系统的功能自愈合理论及其高超声速飞行器控制研究,国家自然科学基金重点项目,2016.01-2020.12, 参与

[9] 高速列车信息控制系统微小和复合故障的实时诊断理论与预测方法, 国家自然科学基金重大项目, 2015.01-2019.12, 参与

[10] 基于自适应多设计融合的自愈合控制系统理论与多故障调节技术, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2014.01-2017.12, 参与 

★ 近年主持横向科研项目

[1] 高可用云服务技术,研究所技术服务项目,2024.9-2025.6

[2] 基于动态博弈的快速测技术,研究所技术服务项目,2024.9-2026.3

[3] 长待机需求的综合测试控制技术,研究所技术服务项目,2024.10-2025.5

[4] 多实体处理及复杂网络分析算法,研究所技术服务项目,2024.9-2015.8

[5] 电机自适应控制方法研究, 杭州先途电子有限公司, 2022.12-2024.12

[6] 电动三轮车智能电驱动控制器研发, 江苏信实德智能制造科技有限公司, 2020.12-2022.12

[7] 实验室管理系统软件开发, 南京科来企业管理有限公司, 2020.9-2021.9

[8] 高机动无人机自适应控制律设计技术研究所技术服务项目,2018.12-2020.06

[9] 海洋综合气象信息仿真软件开发研究所技术服务项目,2018.10-2019.06

[10] 水面无人艇运行状态智能监控模拟设备开发研究所技术服务项目,2018.10-2019.06

[11] 铁路沿线安全光纤综合检测系统列车轨迹算法识别模块, 南京派光智慧感知信息技术有限公司, 2018.03-2018.12

[12] 施工现场立体定位技术及场内道口预警算法研究, 南京傲途软件有限公司, 2018.06-2020.12

[13] 无人机智能故障诊断框架算法模块, 南京婆娑航空科技有限公司, 2018.06-2019.06

[14] 高铁牵引系统几种复合故障诊断技术研发, 南京拓控信息科技有限公司, 2017.04-2017.10

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