2018年4月23日上午,美国GE公司航空电源首席科学家、IEEE Fellow、SAE Fellow, Huang Hao博士应邀访问kok体育 ,并在将军路校区kok体育 3号楼报告厅做题为“Future Electrification beyond More Electric Aircraft”的学术报告。报告会由kok体育 院长助理张卓然教授主持,电气系系主任陈新教授等十余位老师及学院近百位研究生参加报告会。
Huang Hao博士阐释了在经历人类历史第一次飞行(莱特兄弟)及涡轮喷气飞机两大技术革命后,航空领域正在经历第三次重大技术进步—多电飞机(More Electric Aircraft,MEA)及混合电推进(Hybrid Electrical Propulsion,HEP)技术,并指出发电机、电能变换和电力作动等在飞机电气化发展中扮演极其重要的作用。同时,Huang Hao博士从全球各大航空公司的战略出发,阐述了航空电气化发展所遇到的瓶颈及我们所面临的机遇与挑战,极大拓宽了师生对于多电飞机电气系统的认识和视野。此外,Dr. Huang Hao还与师生们分享了他在GE公司科研和工作生涯中的经验和感悟。会上,Dr. Huang Hao与广大师生进行了热烈的交流。
会后,Dr. Huang Hao在张卓然教授陪同下参观了多电飞机电气系统工信部重点实验室,就高效航空电源系统研究与进展进行了深入交流和讨论。Huang Hao博士的来访与交流对于促进我校电气工程学科与国际顶尖研究机构的交流合作、了解工业界前沿技术需求有重要意义。
Huang Hao博士简介:
Dr. Hao Huang is the Technology Chief of GE Aviation—Electrical Power. He is responsible for generating the technical directions, innovation strategies, and multi-generation product roadmaps for the GE aircraft electrical power division. He has been constantly leading and involving innovations and inventions of aircraft electrical power technologies. He is an IEEE fellow and a SAE fellow. He received his Ph.D. Degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, USA in 1987. He has 30 years of experience in Aircraft Electrical Power Systems, Power Generations, Engine Starting, Power Electronics and Controls, and electric vehicle drives. Dr. Huang has had US 50 patents including pending, and he has multiple technical publications in the above-mentioned areas.