2018年4月08-12日,美国福特研发中心电机及驱动研发主任Liang Feng博士应邀到我校kok体育 进行了为期五天的交流访问,与kok体育 电气工程系师生进行了深入交流。
Liang Feng博士是新能源汽车电驱动领域国际知名的电机专家,2017年促成福特公司在我校设立福特-南航电机驱动系统联合研发中心,Liang Feng博士和我院张卓然教授担任联合研发中心共同主任。Liang Feng博士访问南航期间,就“Development of spoke-type PM machine”、“Electromagnetic modeling of inverter-driven electric machines with rotor eccentricity”及“Development of electric machine NVH models and methodology for design optimization for NVH”等相关主题与老师们进行了深入探讨。两场交流会上,张卓然教授、陈志辉副教授、魏佳丹副教授和姜文颖老师等分别详细介绍了高功率密度永磁电机、混合励磁电机、横向磁通永磁电机和基于电励磁双凸极电机的集成化充电技术等研究内容和成果,Liang Feng博士逐一进行了点评,给予很多宝贵建议。
4月11日, Liang Feng博士在kok体育 3号楼报告厅做“Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Machine R&D”学术报告,kok体育 近百名师生参加了报告会。报告从新能源汽车驱动电机的基本原理、特性和要求出发,分析新能源汽车驱动电机的转矩-功率特性,提炼出新能源汽车驱动永磁电机的高效率、转矩密度提升及振动噪声等核心问题,并介绍了福特公司研发团队在效率提升及转矩脉动抑制等领域取得的诸多研究成果和创新思想。报告会持续3个多小时,极大拓宽了师生对于新能源汽车驱动系统的认识和视野。
Liang Feng博士的来访与交流对于促进我校电气学科与国际一流企业研发机构的交流合作有重要意义。
Feng Liang博士简介:
Feng Liang received his B.S. degree from South China University of Technology, China, in 1982, M.S. degree from Hunan University, China, in 1986, and Ph.D. degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1993, all in electrical engineering. Since 1993, he has been with the Research and Innovation Center of Ford Motor Company. He is currently leading Ford’s global research on electric machine technologies as a Technical Leader in the Electric Machine and Drive System Department of the center. He has been working on various topics in the field of electric machines, including high-performance, high-efficiency and low-noise permanent magnet machines for electrified vehicle applications. He has received one Second Prize Paper Award from the IEEE Industry Application Society, one Second Prize Paper Award and one Third Price Paper Award from the Electric Machine Committee of the IEEE Industry Application Society. He is a recipient of 45 US patents.