
学术报告:西班牙巴利亚多利德大学 系统工程与自动化系 Mustapha Ait Rami教授报告会——题目:SIS Epidemiological Models under Switching Policies

作者:cae     审核人: 访问量:185发布时间:2017-06-28



报告题目:SIS Epidemiological Models under Switching Policies


报告人:西班牙巴利亚多利德大学 系统工程与自动化系 Mustapha  Ait  Rami教授




地点:kok体育 4号楼507会议室




This talk explores ongoing research on disease models for a structured population. The model considered is a time-varying switched model, in which the parameters are subject to abrupt change. Some stability results are derived for switched compartmental epidemiological models of SIS (Susceptible-Infectious-Susceptible) type. Such models are related to structured populations to which an infection graph is associated. The switching features the changes of some parameters that represent infection or recovery rates.  The issue of stability for the disease free equilibrium is presented, as well as instability results.  Other important issues are introduced and discussed, such as persistence and periodic orbits, disease spread under Markovian switching and switching-based stabilization of the disease free equilibrium.




Mustapha Ait Rami was born in Marrakech, Morocco, in1964. In 1992 and 1997 he received, respectively, a DEAdegree in nonlinear analysis and optimization, and a Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics at the CEREMADE Department of the University of Paris-IX Dauphine, France. He iscurrently with the University of Jules Verne, France. He is mainly interested in systems and control. His research includes linear matrix inequalities, rank minimization problems and their connections with automatic control and nonconvex programming.

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