题目:Research on Integrated design of fault estimation and FTC for uncertain systems
报告人:Prof. Ron Patton, 英国赫尔大学
地点:将军路校区kok体育 1号楼403
Prof. Ron Patton graduated from Sheffield University, PhD, Control Systems Engineering in 1980 and now is a professor of Control & Intelligent Systems Engineering, University of Hull. He is Fellow of the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) (since January 2010), Fellow Institute of Measurement and Control (since October 2004), Senior Member, American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics AIAA (since October 1991). His research interests include fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control of process, industrial and aerospace systems, mathematical modelling of bio-systems, non-linear systems for control and estimation. His funded research projects include Sustainable (Fault-Tolerant) Control of Offshore Wind Turbines, UK Higher Education Funding Council Research Infrastructure Funding (HEIF5) project [2011-2014], Modelling the osteocyte network and its control of the mechano-transduction and remodelling of bone, EPSRC Research Grant EP/E057365/1 [2007-2010], ADDSAFE (Advanced Fault Diagnosis for Sustainable Flight Guidance and Control), EU Transport Technology research project in FP7 [2009-2012]. Furthermore, he has published around 400 papers since 1976, including 124 journal papers, 5 books and 26 book chapters. His Journal paper citation count is currently 6,250 and overall citation count (google scholar) is currently 16,324.
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