地点:kok体育 智能楼(A17)四楼报告厅
报告人: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralph Kennel
Hardware-in-the-Loop Systems with Power Electronics � a Powerful Simulation Tool
报告人简介:Ralph Kennel教授 1955年出生于德国南部城市凯泽斯劳滕,1984年获得凯泽斯劳滕大学电气工程博士学位。1983年到1999年,他在Robert BOSCH集团(德国)工作,担任BOSCH集团总部伺服驱动部门的高级工程师和部门负责人。
1999年,已经在工业界积累了17年工业经验的Kennel博士开始担任德国乌普塔尔大学电气工程系教授。此单位在德国非常重要,Kennel教授的前任教授为德国Holtz教授(IEEE Fellow, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics学报主编)。
2008年至今,Kennel教授调任德国慕尼黑工业大学(全球TOP 50)担任电力电子与电力传动专业负责人,全职教授。
学术兼职:Senior Member, IEEE; Fellow Member, IET;
Chartered Engineer in the U. K. Within the IEEE, he is Treasurer of the Germany Section as well as ECCE Global Partnership Chair of the PELS;
Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics;
Editor of EPE Journal, Editor of Journal of Power Electronics;
Chairman of conference of PRECEDE IEEE in 2011 and in 2013.
报告摘要: Prof. Kennel will give an academic report of “Hardware-in-the-Loop Systems With Power Electronics � a Powerful Simulation Tool”. He will also do an introduction for activities of Institute for Electrical Drive systems and Power Electronics, Technical University of Munich.
“Hardware-in-the-Loop” systems are a highlight in power electronics allowing to model and simulate technical systems on a more sophisticated level. In difference to simulation software running on computers only “Hardware-in-the-Loop” systems use real energy guaranteeing the natural behaviour and characteristics of physical energy. In these systems energy is used, but not consumed � the energy is available for further use after the simulation process.